What is the best way to serve Dacaron?
What is the best way to serve Dacaron?
Storage & Serving
How long can Dacaron last? Can Dacaron be frozen?
What is the best way to serve Dacaron?
How long can Protein Cake Cups last? Can they be frozen?
What is the best way to serve Earthling's Products?
Delivery & Ordering, Pick up
What local delivery options are available?
What if I want my order to arrive on a specific day?
What pick-up options for Dacaron or other baked foods are available?
What are your delivery minimums for each region?
Shipping (Outside of Metro Vancouver)
What is the shipping fee if I wanted to have Dacaron delivered?
How long does the shipping take?
When can I expect my order to ship out?
Will my order arrive fresh?
What is your shipping policy?
Gifts & Special Occasions
Can I purchase a gift card for online gifts?
Can I order bulk for birthdays/ fundraisers/ parties?
About Dacaron™
What is Dacaron? What is Earthling's dacquoise?
Is Dacaron crunchy? What is the texture?
Is Dacaron sweet?
How is Earthling's Dacaron made?
What is Dacaron made of? What makes them so tasty?
Nutrition & Safety
What products are gluten free? Are Dacaron gluten free?
Are there peanuts and tree nuts in your products?
Are your vegan products free of cross-contamination?
Is there soy in Dacaron? any other products?
Can Dacaron be made dairy-free?